Whitney Houston - Love, Simon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Dylan leaves the grave of her mother. The movie's title gradually appears. She is moving on a boat. She gives out various items to the island's residents.
The boys and girls are anticipating Dylan's opening of the dance studio. Dylan is exercising with the children.
The song can be heard immediately following her grandma's phone call. At her dance studio, Dylan is by herself. She is exercising.
Victor watches Dylan as he dances. He soon begins dancing with her all over the club. Dylan examines the dance masks in the storefront display. She attempts to change herself into a male in front of the mirror at home.
Victor watches Dylan as he dances. He soon begins dancing with her all over the club. Dylan examines the dance masks in the storefront display. She attempts to change herself into a male in front of the mirror at home.
Gloria Gaynor - Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Mix, Vol. 1 (Music from the Animated TV Series)
Victor is putting make-up Dylan from scratch. In front of a mirror, the remainder of the cast members apply their cosmetics.
Dylan penned a final letter. On the bus, she sobs. After leaving the club, Victor is foolishly approached by multiple men.
The Dancing Queens take a boat to Dylan's island home. In the store, they catch Dylan off guard.
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