The Dust Brothers - Fight Club (Original Motion Picture Score)
The narrator look at an Ikea furniture catalog, looking for which furniture best defines him and make him feel complete.
00:30 Plays inside the bar where the Narrator tells Tyler about the gas leak at his condo.
The Dust Brothers - Fight Club (Original Motion Picture Score)
Tyler points a gun at a store clerk and takes out his wallet. There it is revealed his name is Raymond K Hessel and where he lives. Jack tells Hessel if he doesn't change his life, he will kill him.
Marla calls the Narrator, telling him that she is lonely and has taken a handful of Xanax. Later, Tyler Durden arrives at Marla's apartment.
01:30 The narrator arrives at Tyler Durden's house where he finds the Fight Club members partying. (Song is a remix of Styles of Beyond's song, "Easy, Back it Up" by Daddy Kev).
The Narrator tells Marla at the restaurant that her life is in danger and needs to leave the city.
01:58 Inside a restaurant, the Narrator tries to convince Marla to leave the city and go on hiding.
The Narrator and Marla watch the destruction of the city together. The song continues playing throughout the credits.
02:05 Narrator and Marla watch the destruction of the city together. The song continues playing throughout the credits.
Daniel May - As Heard In: Award Winning Films, Vol. 2
00:20 The Narrator watches the introduction video from the hotel suite.
The narrator gets back his suitcase from security. (Song is originally Performed by Christen Poulet in the album Airport)
Tyler and narrator are in the bar, the narrator discuses on how he lost everything he owned in the condo. This song is played briefly in the bar.
This song is played during a kids cartoon at the movie theater where Tyler works in (Song was created specifically for the movie).
Marlene Dietrich - Marlene Dietrich At the Cafe De Paris - Live Recording 1954
Plays in Marla's Apartment while Marla and the narrator talk in the phone.
Plays in the Pepsi commercial. (It is a remix from a song called easy back it up by the hip hop group Styles of Beyond)
The theme of the news channel that the members are watching on TV. The news channel brings some information about a building being vandalized.
Dionne Warwick - The Valley of the Dolls
Marla softly sings this song after the narrator kicks her out of the house.
The narrator tries to convince Marla to leave the city and go on hiding.
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