Andrea Litkei & Ervin Litkei - Diner Jukebox
To get ready for supper at Erin's place, the lads go food shopping.
Noah walks into a room where a group of guys were having sex while searching for Howie.
Charlie and the others scramble to prevent Howie from getting off the island.
Before sharing a kiss, Noah and Will dance together for the first time. This is the first end credits song.
Bob Sinclar - We Could Be Dancing
Noah finds Howie in the big chair. "I didn't even know I was lost"
Cherry Groove is their celebration spot once they've persuaded Howie to stay.
Jay Wadley - Fire Island (Original Soundtrack)
After the party, Noah regrets his altercation with Howie the next morning.
Jay Wadley - Fire Island (Original Soundtrack)
Walking by the shore, Noah and Will engage in conversation about their lives. This is the third end credits song.
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