Montage of various newscasters and talkshow hosts discussing the rise of young male alienation in America.
First song as a brief description of the wojak image meme appears on screen. A user talks about their time on 4Chan and feeling alienated and depressed. [0:58] Kantbot talks about the messages he’s received from other people about their personal issues.
Introduction to Viddy. He takes a tour of his house and introduces his roommate Charels.
The Glaser Brothers - Tompall, Chuck & Jim: Western Songs
Kyle is driving on the road as he talks about his life and his concerns for his future.
Durwood Daily Haddock - The Early Years (1959 - 1962)
Kyle goes to a bar and has a drink by himself while the other bar patrons are slow dancing. Kyle’s tweets are shown.
A Mariachi band performs this song near Kyle while he’s smoking outside. His tweets appear on screen.
Charley Pride - Country Music - A Film by Ken Burns (The Soundtrack) [Deluxe]
Playing on the radio in the background as Kyle talks about how he’s tired of wallowing in self pity and wanting to get his life back together.
Charels and Viddy go to a snowy secluded area in the woods as they load their magazines. Viddy talks about his early childhood and his disconnect with people.
Kyle sits alone at a parking lot as he talks about his Twitter account.
Sean talks about his online interaction with Kantbot and how it got him into reading.
Playing in the background at the gym as Sean is lifting weights. He talks about the benefits of working out.
Playing in the background at the gym while Sean is deadlifting.
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