The Andrews Sisters - Glenn Miller And The Andrews Sisters: The Chesterfield Broadcasts
When the Pevensies are playing hide-and-seek, ends abruptly when Lucy opens door.
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
The bombing of London. The Pevensie family run to the shelter
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The bombing of London. The Pevensie family run to the shelter
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Mrs Pevensie bids goodbye to her children. Opening titles are displayed as the train takes them away from London
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
00:03 Mrs Pevensie bids goodbye to her children. Opening titles are displayed as the train takes them away from London
00:10 The children are playing hide and seek around the house.
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Lucy sees the wardrobe for the first time. She approaches and enters it, then finds herself in Narnia
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
00:11 Lucy sees the wardrobe for the first time. She approaches and enters it, then finds herself in Narnia
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Having entered Narnia, Lucy meets Mr Tumnus the Faun near the lamppost
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
00:14 Having entered Narnia, Lucy meets Mr Tumnus the Faun near the lamppost
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Lucy is looking at the candle in her room as she can't fall asleep. She returns to the wardrobe, enters it and Edmund follows her there. 2:04 in the track matches 0:44 in the movie when the Pevensies follow the Beaver to his house
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
00:25 Lucy is looking at the candle in her room as she can't fall asleep. She returns to the wardrobe, enters it and Edmund follows her there. 2:04 in the track matches 0:44 in the movie when the Pevensies follow the Beaver to his house
When the Pevensies are playing hide-and-seek, ends abruptly when Lucy opens door.
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Edmund meets the White Witch who pretends to be his friend and asks him to come back with his siblings
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
00:28 Edmund meets the White Witch who pretends to be his friend and asks him to come back with his siblings
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Lucy, Peter, Susan and the Beavers meet Father Christmas. He gives them the presents and drives away.
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
01:05 Lucy, Peter, Susan and the Beavers meet Father Christmas. He gives them the presents and drives away.
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
The children resurface to the water on the iceberg and float down the river. Then they get out of it and go towards Aslan's camp
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
01:12 The children resurface to the water on the iceberg and float down the river. Then they get out of it and go towards Aslan's camp
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Susan and Lucy hug Peter who just saved them from Maugrim. Aslan knights Peter. Edmund is rescued from the Witch's camp. All the Pevensies are reunited
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
01:22 Susan and Lucy hug Peter who just saved them from Maugrim. Aslan knights Peter. Edmund is rescued from the Witch's camp. All the Pevensies are reunited
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Lucy and Susan follow Aslan into the forest until he tells them to stop. He walks to the Stone Table where the Jadis' army mocks at him and binds him. The Witch kills Aslan. The girls climb on the Table and cry. Then the trees deliver their message to the brothers
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
01:32 Lucy and Susan follow Aslan into the forest until he tells them to stop. He walks to the Stone Table where the Jadis' army mocks at him and binds him. The Witch kills Aslan. The girls climb on the Table and cry. Then the trees deliver their message to the brothers
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Peter and Edmund discuss the upcoming battle. The track continues until the moment when Susan asks about Edmund
Harry Gregson-Williams & Tom Howe
Lucy heals Edmund, his siblings hug him in relief.
The royal coronation scene, then Lucy and Mr Tumnus watch Aslan leave, the next scene - the Pevensies are shown as grownups chasing the White Stag
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Music at the end of the battle, during the coronation and after, when Aslan leaves.
Harry Gregson-Williams - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
While the Pevensies play hide-and-seek, Lucy discovers a wardrobe and enters the fantasy world called Narnia. Seeing a lamppost, Lucy encounters the faun Mr. Tumnus.
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