Han & Sean arrive at the bar which they walk through to Han's garage.
Sean looks out the window of his dad's appartment - straight into an old womans appartment who is watching a TV show with this music.
Sean turns up at Han's garage looking for a place to stay. Unreleased.
Pharrell Williams & Trey Parker
Han & Sean overtake a Blue Skyline, get speedtrapped by the cops - who do nothing.
Far East Movement - The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift
Twinkie and his friends play football on the top of a building
Teriyaki Boyz - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Han goes to DK's "lair" with Sean, Morimoto gets cocky with Sean, Sean offers him a race.
Dragon Ash featuring HIDE, 136 - Rio de Emocion
Han gets a woman's number after drifting around her and her car
Han gets a woman's number after drifting around her and her car
Sean on the plane to Tokyo. Also plays when Sean is in the taxi as he is on his way to his father's apartment.
Sean on the plane to Tokyo. Also plays when Sean is in the taxi as he is on his way to his father's apartment.
Sean on the plane to Tokyo. Also plays when Sean is in the taxi as he is on his way to his father's apartment.
N.E.R.D. - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Not in the movie, but a remix is. Neela arrives at the garage meetup
Not in the movie, but a remix is. Neela arrives at the garage meetup
SHONEN KNIFE - If I Were a Carpenter
Sean asks out Neela over their laptops in class. Hangs out with Neela at the cafe. Neela tells her backstory.
The Crystal Method - Legion of Boom
Twinkie talking to some girls at the parking garage. Also plays while DK is walking toward Sean and during DK and Sean's conversation .
Twinkie telling Sean "Don't mess up Mona" as he prpares to race DK for the first time.
Han goes to DK's "lair" with Sean, Morimoto gets cocky with Sean, Sean offers him a race.
Evil Nine - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Han explains the rules of their deal to Sean while he drives Han's RX-7.
Han explains the rules of their deal to Sean while he drives Han's RX-7.
Sean on the plane to Tokyo. Also plays when Sean is in the taxi as he is on his way to his father's apartment.
Teriyaki Boyz - The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Sean goes to a race place for the first time in Tokyo; (repeats) at the end.
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