Cucurucho - Ni Antes Ni Después
As Malin and Javi leave the parade and drive home along the Malecon.
Also, playing in the background of the grocery store.
In the background while Malin is typing his thesis and transitions to his car radio.
Omara Portuondo & Chucho Valdés - Desafíos
In the background while Malin is typing his thesis and transitions to his car radio.
Bill Laurance - Live At Union Chapel
While Malin is rushing to get to the hospital on his bicycle to be there for Alexi's surgery.
Thomas Tirino - Lecuona: Complete Piano Music, Vol. 3
While Malin and the rest of the staff from the children's ward visit the new facility.
Thomas Tirino, Micheal Bartos, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra
While Malin and the rest of the staff from the children's ward visit the new facility.
Thomas Tirino, Michael Bartos, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra - Lecuona: Complete Piano Music, Vol. 3
While Malin and the rest of the staff from the children's ward visit the new facility.
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