Cap'n Hogie gives a toast to the village of Marwen and the women living there. Continues as Mark takes photographs of the dolls.
Joan Osborne - 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Joan Osborne
00:22 Cap'n Hogie gives a toast to the village of Marwen and the women living there. Continues as Mark takes photographs of the dolls.
Mark arrives at the bar where he works. Larry tells a patron at the bar about the incident with Mark.
Patsy Cline - Patsy Cline's Greatest Hits
00:28 Mark arrives at the bar where he works. Larry tells a patron at the bar about the incident with Mark.
Roy Orbison - The Monument Singles Collection (1960-1964)
00:29 Mark tells Carlala about the Belgian Witch while moping the kitchen floor. Continues as Mark walks to the hobby shop. (1:40) Mark looks at the photos of the Cap'n Hogie and Nicol dolls.
Joan Osborne - 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Joan Osborne
Early scene in the bar, after the milk maid is zapped by Deja Thoris.
The Dixie Cups - Full Metal Jacket (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
00:30 Cap'n Hogie and Wendy are about to be married when the Belgian Witch vanquishes Wendy.
Roy Orbison - Black & White Night 30
Mark tells Carlala about the Belgian Witch while moping the kitchen floor. Continues as Mark walks to the hobby shop. (1:40) Mark looks at the photos of the Cap'n Hogie and Nicol dolls.
Robert Palmer - 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Robert Palmer
00:46 The women of Marwen walk up to the chapel and confronts the nazis there.
The Flamingos - The Greatest St. Valentines Day Love Songs, Vol. 9
00:50 Carlala and Mark talk about Belgian Witch as they prepare the meatballs at the bar. Continues as Mark looks at photos of Cap'n Hogie and Nicol when Nicol asks him to help her move the hutch at her house.
Ted Nugent - The Essential Ted Nugent
00:53 Kurt pulls up in front of Nicol’s house, looks around, and then drives away.
Tammy Wynette - Tammy Wynette: Collector's Edition
01:00 Mark looks at the bar model and has a brief flashback to the scene of the attack. (1:27) Flashback to night of the attack.
The Temptations - Number 1's: Motown, Vol. 2
01:13 Nicol tells Cap'n Hogie to close his eyes and then kisses him.
Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark
01:15 Plays on the jukebox at the bar. Continues as Mark walks to the hobby shop and shows Roberta pictures of Cap'n Hogie and Nicol. Mark asks Roberta for minature teapots.
Glenn Miller and His Orchestra - Platinum Glenn Miller
01:44 Roberta finds Mark at the exhibition. She congratulates Mark on making it.
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