The granddaughter of Eliko, Moe, arrives to assist Amnon with Elikos's funeral.
Inola Gurgulia - Pirvelad Iko Simghera
Moe played with his son while playing with an old man named Sparow, who he had dinner with together with Fleshka.
She Past Away - Kasvetli Kutlama - EP
Moe surprises Fleshka as she's tidying the table and listening to music. She has her headphones shared with Fleshka.
A group of villagers got together and began singing and having fun. Amnon is working on a crossword problem at a different table.
Another song is started by the group of individuals assembled at the restaurant. Amnon is unable to handle it, gets inside and stops talking.
Amnon discovered that Eliko had misled him and that he was not genuinely ill or in pain.
Dinah Washington - Compact Jazz: Dinah Washington
Setting up his table, Amnon begins to read a note that Eliko left for him.
Currently, Moe and Fleshka own and operate the village's "Wet Sand" restaurant.
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